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Telc Exam Preparation & test

telc Competence Center Munich

Telc Exam preparation & Certificates B1, B2 and C1 Hochschule
Our partner school Alinguas is an accredited telc examination and university competence centre. Therefore, you can take German telc exams directly at our location, with the already familiar trainers and in the already known environment.

Here you can register directly for the telc examination at Alinguas: telc registration

To make sure that you pass the telc exams, we offer a special exam preparation course. May I point out that our Dialog participants score above average in the exams.

telc Examination Preparation Courses

In all German courses we prepare you for DSH, TestDaF and the telc exams. Here you have the choice to select between German Intensive Courses, Evening Courses und German Individual Training.

For all participants who have not taken a German course at our school or who have already taken the course some time ago, we offer additional compact examination courses for preparation for the telc examinations. The verbal part of the exam is particularly difficult to study on your own, therefore we recommend the preparation option.

We provide preparation training in the weeks before the exams so that you can familiarize yourself with the content, practice a test simulation, and get full support from your language trainers who give you lots of helpful tips.

telc Examination Preparation Course – At a glance

time from 18.30 – 21.00 or in the afternoons
levels B1, B2 and C1; other levels upon request
begin 5 weeks before the examination
in a group 5 weeks, 1 x per week (= 15 hours à 45 minutes)
number of participants 2 to 6 participants
one-to-one 8 private lessons  (à 45 minutes)
location online or Hohenzollernplatz 5, Munich / Schwabing
course materials individually selected according to level; worksheets
other services course materials, placement tests


Exam preparation in a group 310 Euro

Exam preparation in individual training + exam 490 Euro
(C1 Hochschule: + 40 Euro)

Exam preparation in individual training without exam 390 Euro


telc Examinations

With cooperation of Alinguas Language School Munich, telc examination are offered on selected dates for the important certificates telc German B1, telc German B2 and telc German C1 Hochschule. External participants are accepted on almost all exams dates.

You can find all telc exam dates on the Alinguas Exam Page. Don’t wait too long to register, please check the deadlines of the registration cut-off dates. The exams tend to get booked out quite fast, so in order to register for your desired date, we recommend that you register well in advance.

Upon request, we also offer special dates and the levels A1, A2, B1 school and C1 exams with a registration of minimum of 5 participants. If you have missed the registration deadline and there are still places available, we can re-register you up to 2 weeks before the exam.

for participants

telc German B1 Euro 150
telc German B2 Euro 150
telc German C1 Hochschule Euro 190

Enrolment via Alinguas

for external participants

telc German B1 Euro 180
telc German B2 Euro 180
telc German C1 Hochschule Euro 220

Enrolment via Alinguas


telc Examination Simulation – upon request

For participants who want to play it safe – or those who suffer from exams anxiety, we offer the possibility of an examination simulation. This saves you from surprises during the exams. You are able to test the entire examination under real conditions, including the verbal part with the telc examiners. The simulation exams take place on the examination days.


Levels in the European Framework of Reference for Languages

The structure of our German courses and almost all textbooks are based on the conditions of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. Upon completing each language level, you are able to take a German exam.

There are six different levels in the European Reference Framework: from A1 and A2 to C2. In our language school we divide the German courses into 12 different levels, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2 etc., so that the language level of the students in the classes is similar.

telc A1 German

At the end of the German course A1 you will be able to understand and use everyday expressions. You can ask and answer questions about your place of residence, people and things. For example, where you live, where you come from, what you like to do. If your conversation partner speaks slowly and also helps you a little, you can keep up small talk at a fairly good pace. The telc A1 German certificate is required for an immigrant spouse entering Germany.

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telc A2 German

Now you are already able to speak whole sentences and use expressions that you often use in everyday situations, such as information about yourself and family. You can communicate in simple, routine situations that involve a casual exchange of information about familiar things, such as working and shopping.

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telc B1 German

After completing the B1 German course, you are able to speak more than just individual phrases and sentences. You can talk fairly well about topics such as work, school, leisure time, personal interests and experiences. The telc B1 certificate is required for obtaining citizenship in Germany.

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telc B2 German

At the telc B2 German level it is easy for you to have a normal conversation with native speakers because you can express yourself clearly and in detail on many topics. You need the B2 telc certificate in order to work in certain jobs in the public sector, e.g. childcare facilities, public services, hospitals, and others.

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telc C1 German

Once you reach the C1 level, you are able to understand demanding, extensive texts and express yourself fluently and thoroughly. The telc German C1 certificate is intended for adults who need German in their professional life.

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telc German C1 University

With the telc C1 University certificate, you are able to work in academic professions and study at all universities in Germany. It is a complete (and far more practical) replacement for the previous DSH examinations.

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telc German C2

With C2 German, you reach the level of a native speaker and understand practically everything you read or hear effortlessly. You also express yourself in a very sophisticated and fluent way. The ›Goethe Certificate C2‹ requires these skills for example.

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